
Youth - Joy - Exchange - we experience together in projects, at actions and during our meetings. The ideas and implementation of all projects depend solely on the members of the team. However, we equally value the intercultural teamwork and the time we spend together.

Current Projects

Upcycling Project (Ejo-Connect)

This environmental project is all about the creation of decorative and sustainable flowerpots out of used plastic bottles. Co-operations with university environmental clubs are currently being established. The aim is to draw public attention to upcycling and recycling and to raise awareness for nature conservation and the SDG 13 (climate action).

Culture exchange (Ejo-Connect)

Did you ever want to know about typical dishes, foods, dances, music, proverbs, and traditions from the other side of the world? In our culture exchange project, tandems are formed between one partner from Rwanda and one from Germany. They exchange information about their respective culture and country and have the opportunity, to gain insights into the other national language. The goal here is to connect young citizens of Rwanda and Germany, to create a diversity-aware, tolerant, and empathetic generation, and to break down prejudices.

Attention: The exchange is for everyone that is curious about other cultures and traditions, enjoys intercultural exchange, wishes to build international friendships, and wants to expand their language repertoire. If this applies to you, you are very welcome here!

Podcast (Ejo-Connect)

Dieses Projekt befindet sich noch in der Planungs- und Vorbereitungsphase. Die Idee ist, einen Podcast zwischen Studenten einer Universität in Ruanda und einer Universität in Rheinland-Pfalz zu entwickeln. Themen des Podcasts könnten sein: „Wie ist Ruanda? Wie ist Deutschland?“, wobei sich verschiedene Episoden mit Kaffee, Emanzipation, Umweltschutz, Tourismus, Sport, Kunst, Popkultur, Gesundheitswesen, Kühen, Bier etc. beschäftigen können.

Are you interested in the project, have you worked on a podcast before, maybe know a thing or two about recording and editing? Then we are looking for you!

Online lecture series (Ejo-Connect Germany)

Since our last lecture series on (post-) colonialism was so well received, we are currently planning a continuation of the online series.

Our Blog

Why a blog?

The ejo-connect blog is created jointly by young Rwandans and Germans from the two ejo-connect youth groups. It offers them the opportunity to make their opinions known, to draw attention to current issues that concern them and to make their voices heard. The topics issued in the blog cover a range of political, social and economic issues with a personal touch.
Through the binational approach, readers of the blog are able to follow topics from a broader perspective and are invited to look beyond their own horizen. This is essential in today's globally networked world. In addition, the blog offers readers the chance to gain initial insights into the respective other (national) culture and also to reflect on their own (national) culture.

Who is the blog for?

The blog is primarily addressed to teenagers and young adults from Rwanda and Germany who are interested in socio-critical issues, who have completed a year abroad or an internship in one of the two countries or want to do one in the future, or who simply enjoy learning about other countries and cultures.

Why a blog in English?

According to a survey by Statista, 63 percent of Germans have English language skills in 2020. This is mainly because English has been a compulsory subject at German high schools and (then) middle schools since 1957. Since 1964/65, English has also been introduced as a compulsory subject in Hauptschulen and Realschulen, and since 2006 in elementary schools.
And in Rwanda, too, many people speak English. English has been the official language in Rwanda since 2009. As a result, instruction at elementary school as well as secondary schools is conducted in English.
Therefore, English forms the linguistic link between Germany and Rwanda.

Our Projects

Educational work


Committee work

Online lectures